Bayer AG برنامه ها

Monografías Farmacia 1.2.19
Bayer AG
Aplicación de Monografías de FarmaciaHospitalaria y de Atención Primaria. Permite incorporaranotaciones, búsquedas de palabras así como compartir y descargarlas monografías en formato PDF.1. Nuevos horizontes profesionales2. Comprometidos con el paciente3. Contribuyendo a los resultados en salud4. Sumar en beneficio de la sociedadLa información contenida en esta aplicación está exclusivamentedirigida y reservada a los profesionales sanitarios legalmentefacultados para prescribir o dispensar medicamentos con ejercicioprofesional en España, por lo que se requiere una formaciónespecializada para su correcta interpretación.Application EssayHospital Pharmacy and Primary Care. It can incorporate annotations,word searches and share and download the papers in PDF format.1. New professional horizons2. Committed to patient3. Contributing to health outcomes4. Add the benefit of societyThe information contained in this application is exclusivelyaddressed and restricted to legally qualified to prescribe orsupply medicinal practice in Spain with health professionals, sothat specialized training for proper interpretation isrequired.
PH MAP 1.3.0
Bayer AG
PH Map – Die App für den PH-PatientenDie PH Map ist eine interaktive Landkarte für Menschen mitpulmonaler Hypertonie. Patienten können nach einem PH-Zentrum inihrer Nähe, an ihrem Urlaubsort oder in einer fremden Stadt inDeutschland suchen.Mit der „PH Map“ findet der Patient viele Spezialisten fürLungenhochdruck in Deutschland. Es besteht die Möglichkeit dennächstgelegenen Experten durch eine aktuelle Umkreissuche sofort zulokalisieren und sich per Routenplaner direkt zum Arzt führen zulassenEbenso werden weitere Tipps für Patienten gegeben. Dieseumfassen neben den Anschriften des Selbsthilfevereins ph e.v undder Landesverbände auch andere wichtige Kontaktdaten zuunterschiedlichen Selbsthilfegruppen. All diese Informationensollen dem Patienten helfen, die richtigen Ansprechpartner zufinden und mit kleinen Tipps den Alltag besser zu meistern.PH Map - The app for PHpatientsThe PH Map is an interactive map for people with pulmonaryhypertension. Patients can search in Germany to a PH center nearthem, at their resort or in a foreign city.With the "PH Map" the patient takes many specialists forpulmonary hypertension in Germany. It is possible to let thenearest expert to locate by a current radius search immediately andcarry my directions directly to the doctorLikewise, other tips for patients are given. These include E.Vaddition to the addresses of self-help association ph and thenational associations and other important contact details forvarious self-help groups. All this information will help thepatient to find the right person and with little tips to bettercope with everyday life.
Bayer Agrar Wetter Austria 4.25
Bayer AG
Bayer Agrar Wetter Austria is the perfect tool for agriculture.
Bayer magazine 3.4
Bayer AG
Go on a multimedia journey of discovery - withthe Bayer magazine. Explore exciting stories on subjects from theworlds of health care, agriculture and high-tech materials. The appis a mine of fascinating accounts from around the globe -informative and enthralling, at the highest level of journalism.All reflecting our company’s mission: “Bayer: Science For A BetterLife.”Essential features of the app at a glance:- Stories designed for interactivity- Top story as an animated stream with one-click access to a rangeof additional content, including videos, informational graphics andslideshows- Available for tablet PCs and smartphones- Competitions with attractive prizes- Social bookmarking and tell-a-friend- Optional email reminder when a new edition is published
Skin Peace 1.0
Bayer AG
App ‘SKIN PEACE’ advises how to use topicalcorticosteroid for eczema correctlyFree app for patients with eczema conditions, such as atopicdermatitis (AD).By entering age, gender and the affected body part, the appcalculates the right amount of topical treatment per application.To make it easier for patients and their caregivers the app uses acommon unit of measurement: the FingerTipUnit (FTU) in the SKINPEACE dosage finder.An FTU is the amount of topical product that should be dispensedfrom fingertip to the first joint of the finger. Since this amountvaries largely between adults and children and significantlybetween infants, toddlers, and children as well, the SKIN PEACEdosage finder app calculates the correct selection of the amountfor each group. The proper application of topical corticosteroid isa key factor to a rapid healing and therapeutic success in AD
Monograf. Gestión Hospitalaria 1.2.19
Bayer AG
Aplicación de Monografías de GestiónHospitalaria. Permite incorporar anotaciones, búsquedas de palabrasasí como compartir y descargar las monografías en formato PDF.1. Talento y tecnología2. Tendencias en diagnosis3. Farmacia: coste, investigación, asistencia4. Cronicidad: retos y respuestas5. Paciente y cáncer: estrategias6. Seguridad clínica y gestión del riesgo7. Soluciones innovadoras8. Enseñanzas de una crisisLa información contenida en esta aplicación está exclusivamentedirigida y reservada a los profesionales sanitarios legalmentefacultados para prescribir o dispensar medicamentos con ejercicioprofesional en España, por lo que se requiere una formaciónespecializada para su correcta interpretaciónApplication EssayHospital Management. It can incorporate annotations, word searchesand share and download the papers in PDF format.1. Talent and technology2. Trends in diagnosis3. Pharmacy: cost, research, care4. chronicity: challenges and responses5. Patient and Cancer: Strategies6. Clinical safety and risk management7. Innovative Solutions8. Lessons from a crisisThe information contained in this application is exclusivelyaddressed and restricted to legally qualified to prescribe orsupply medicinal practice in Spain with health professionals, sothat specialized training for proper interpretation is required
Bayer Contra Lagartas 1.28
Bayer AG
O aplicativo Bayer Contra Lagartas é aferramenta para coletar informações sobre as mariposas capturadaspelas armadilhas instaladas pelo programa. Além disso, peloaplicativo é possível gerar relatórios visando realizar omonitoramento das pragas.Bayer againstCaterpillars application is the tool to collect information aboutthe moths captured by traps installed by the program. In addition,the application can generate reports aiming to carry out themonitoring of pests.
つづけるミカタ~リマインダーのススメ~ 2.0
Bayer AG
「つづけるミカタ」の紹介「つづけるミカタ」 はバイエル薬品株式会社が提供する、女性のための服薬サポートアプリです。毎日同じ時刻での服用が必要な月経困難症治療剤・経口避妊剤の服薬時間をアラームでお知らせし、服用をサポートします。※服用時間アラームと記録機能※お薬の飲み忘れを防ぐため、毎日決まった時刻になるとアラームで服用時間をお知らせします。また、お薬を服用した記録はカレンダーと錠剤シート画面で確認できます。残りの錠剤が少なくなると、次のシートの準備が必要なことをアラートでお知らせし、お薬のもらい忘れを防ぎます。※服用をサポートする情報が充実※お薬の服用にあたって注意が必要な副作用などの情報、服用を忘れたときの対処方法など、服用時に知りたい情報がこのアプリにまとまっていて、いつでも参照できます。※ 婦人科受診サポート※次の受診日を忘れないよう、かかりつけ医への受診予定を記入できます。また、かかりつけ医の連絡先電話番号を登録することができるので、いざという時の相談にも役立ちます。※服用時の体調変化を記録※毎日の体重、血圧や、お薬の服用時にあらわれる体調の変化を記録し、日々の体調管理に役立てていただくことができます。記録はテキスト出力できるので、かかりつけ医に受診するときのメモとしても活用いただけます。※その他の機能※- プライバシーを守るパスコードロック- カレンダーへのメモ機能- カレンダーのデザイン・フォントのカスタマイズ機能※注意事項※・アラーム設定時刻に端末の電源が入っていない場合、アラームは動作しません。・タスクキラーアプリ、節電アプリ、エコ技機能等をご利用している場合、アラームが正しく機能しない恐れがあります。本アプリを動作対象から除外してください。・タスクマネージャーによる本アプリの終了操作もアラームの設定を消してしまう恐れがあります。
Bayer JNO'scope 2.4.2
Bayer AG
Bayer JNO’scope est une application mobile (utilisable sursmartphones et tablettes) développée conjointement entre Bayer etl’INRA qui permet de faire une évaluation précoce du risque JNO(jaunisse nanisante des céréales) à la parcelle. JNO’scope permetpour une parcelle donnée de renseigner en quelques clics lesprincipaux paramètres d’intérêts concernant la culture, la parcelleet son environnement. En fonction des paramètres renseignés,l’application réalise instantanément l’analyse du risque JNO surcette parcelle. Cette évaluation chiffrée, assortie d’unerecommandation, vous permet de mieux raisonner votre stratégie deprotection contre la JNO, et notamment le choix d’une protection desemences adaptée, en fonction du risque obtenu. Cette appli vouspermet aussi d’enregistrer vos évaluations pour un meilleur suivide votre parcellaire. JNO’scope contient également une rubriquepédagogique pour mieux comprendre comment la JNO se dissémine dansles parcelles, quelle est sa nuisibilité, son évolutionpluriannuelle et quelles sont les interactions complexes insectes –virus – plantes. Une fois installée, l’appli fonctionne sansconnexion internet.
Bayer ES PPM 6.0
Bayer AG
This app contains registered product labels, brochures, catalogueand material safety data sheets (MSDS) for Bayer EnvironmentalScience South Africa a business group of Bayer Crop Science SouthAfrica. It is aimed at the Professional Pest Management (PPM)Industry in South Africa - also know as Pest Control Operators(PCO). Users are able to view product labels either by productname, pest or alphabetically.
Bayer PestPro 1.2
Bayer AG
Bayer PestPro permette a tutti iprofessionisti dell’igiene e della disinfestazione di ottenere inmodo facile e veloce le informazioni sui prodotti Bayer cheutilizzano nella loro attività professionale.E’ possibile ricercare le soluzioni più adatte nel Catalogo Bayerpartendo dall’insetto target o dall’area di impiego (ad es.Abitazioni, attività commerciali, aree di preparazioni alimenti…)..Individuato il prodotto l’utente potrà visualizzare lecaratteristiche del prodotto, le etichette, le Schede di Sicurezzae le Schede Tecniche.Con Bayer PestPro è possibile creare una lista dei prodotti“Preferiti”, accessibile anche in modalità offline, per averesempre a portata di mano le informazioni sui prodotti piùutilizzati.Bayer PestPro è destinata ad un pubblico di professionisti (impresedi disinfestazione professionali – PCO e Dealer Enti &Comunità).Bayer PestPro allows allprofessionals hygiene and sanitation to get easily and fastinformation on Bayer products they use in their work.E 'can search for the best solutions in the Catalog Bayer startingdall'insetto target or area of ​​use (eg. Residential, commercialactivities, areas of prepared foods ...) .. After identifying theproduct, the user can see the features of product labels, SafetyData Sheets and Technical Data Sheets.With Bayer PestPro you can create a list of products "Favorites",also accessible offline, to always have on hand information on theproducts used.Bayer PestPro is designed for a professional audience (professionalpest control companies - PCO and Dealer Organizations &Communities).
Research - Science at Bayer 1.1
Bayer AG
The "research" app provides a fascinating insight into thediversified work of Bayer’s scientists: In videos, with 3Danimations and countless image galleries, Bayer’s scientistsexplain contemporary challenges and the approaches they are takingto solve them, making Bayer: Science For A Better Life come alive.„research“ is a magazine containing articles on popular scientifictopics concerning all aspects of research at Bayer. research isdesigned to appeal to all target groups with an interest in naturalscience, such as students and teachers but also scientists,lecturers, physicians, pharmacists, journalists and politicians.
Pet Life - Pet Health Care 2.2.2
Bayer AG
Being a responsible pet owner means having tobe organised - Vet appointments, annual boosters, insurance...there’s a lot to keep on top of, and that’s not to mention theregular (and really important) parasite protection treatments toremember.This is where the Pet Life app from ‘It’s a Jungle’ comes in.This simple pet healthcare reminder app keeps all your petsimportant details safe in one place, tracks their weight andreminds you about all of the important events and dates in theirlife. You can also link to your vet practice contact information soyou have this handy at all times.Pet Life takes care of your pet’s healthcare admin, so you canfocus on the fun.Features:Pet Profiles: Store your pet’s important healthcare details, tracktheir weight history and add appointment notes in profiles for yourpets. Track weight history and add appointment notes in profilesfor your pets.‘Your Vet’: Directly link to your vet practice via the app tohave all their contact details and practice information availableat any time.Secure Records: Keep a record of your pet’s microchip, insuranceand health details in one convenient place. Everything is backed upto our secure servers, so you’ll never lose those importantdetails.Across all your devicesThe Pet Life app is available for mobile and tablets on iOS andAndroid. After you’ve created an account, you can log in to the appon any of your devices, meaning the whole family can keep track ofyour pet’s life.Brought to you by It’s a JungleThe Pet Life app is part of the It’s a Jungle programme from Bayer,which aims to help you keep your pet parasite free.
Clarityn's UK pollen forecast 8.1.1156
Bayer AG
Presenting Clarityn’s award-winning PollenForecast app.New, easy to use app showing the pollen forecast for the currentand following day, as well as an allergy tracker and informationand advice on dealing with your allergy.New app features include:Fresh, new designs showing local pollen levelsLocal and national pollen and weather forecastingHayfever symptoms tracker, helping you to learn more about yourallergiesAllergy help, advice and informationNotifications based upon the pollen levels in your area, with theability to set your favourite locationPollen forecast supplied by the University of Worcester.
LibertyLink 1.2
Bayer AG
Conheça a nova realidade que a Bayer estátrazendo para o controle de plantas daninhas nas lavouras de sojacom LibertyLink.
Bayer Gastronomie 3.27.2
Bayer AG
Mit der Bayer Gastronomie App können Sie bequem jederzeit und vonüberall den aktuellen und auch kommenden Speiseplan desMitarbeiterrestaurants an Ihrem Standort, sowie der Kulisse und desRestaurants Zum Löwen abrufen. Außerdem stehen Ihnen Funktionen wieNews, Filterfunktion von Allergenen und Kontaktdaten zur Verfügung.Über Bewertungsoptionen für die einzelnen Gerichte können Siezusätzlich dazu beitragen unser Angebot in Ihrem Sinne zuoptimieren. Installieren Sie die App jetzt auf Ihrem Smartphone undlegen sich Ihren Standort als Favoriten fest.
Ra223CMN 2.8
Bayer AG
El objetivo de esta aplicación es ayudar almédico a localizar los centros de medicina nuclear más cercanos apartir de su ubicación actual y/o a la ubicación del paciente.Igualmente permite realizar búsquedas por dirección.The purpose of thisapplication is to help the doctor locate the centers closestnuclear medicine from its current location and / or the patient'slocation. Also searchable by address.
Farming’s Future, Agrarmagazin 1.0.2
Bayer AG
Weltweite Ernährungssicherung undumweltschonende Landwirtschaft: Die App "Farming's Future" derDivision Crop Science von Bayer präsentiert Lösungen für einbesseres Leben durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft. Die journalistischaufbereiteten, interaktiven Multimedia-Storys geben Antworten aufdrängende Fragen unserer Zeit. Kommen Sie mit auf eine Weltreise zukleinen Farmen und großen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben underhalten Sie spannende Einblicke in die ganze Kette derNahrungserzeugung – vom Acker bis zum Supermarktregal.Worldwide food securityand environmentally friendly agriculture: The app "Farming'sFuture" of Crop Science Division of Bayer presents solutions for abetter life through sustainable agriculture. The journalisticprepared, interactive multimedia stories give answers to pressingquestions of our time. Come along on a trip around the world tosmall farms and large farms and get a fascinating insight into theentire chain of food production - from field to supermarketshelf.
Whole Body MRI 1.0
Bayer AG
The Gadovist Whole Body MRI App fromBayerHealthcare is aimed at medical professionals in the fieldofradiology. The App Includes a collection of 15 casesandillustrates the diagnostic competence of dynamiccontrast-enhancedMRI utilizing Gadovist 1.0 in diverse parts of thebody likejoints, brain, heart and others.Features:15 cases and illustrates the diagnostic competence ofdynamiccontrast-enhanced MRI utilizing Gadovist 1.0 in diverseparts ofthe body to identify different healths problematics.(CerebralAbscess, Optic Glioma, Myocardial Infarction, InvasiveDuctual CA,Ovarian Cancer, Juvenile Arthritis and much more), eachcasepresent:• Patient history,• Methods and Protocol,• Contrast Media use,• Findings,• Therapeutic Consequences,• Take Home Message,• References,• Authors of the diagnose• Different images representing the findings of differentimagingmethods and other information, that gives a betterunderstanding ofeach case,• Image is displayed in an enlarged view and clicking theimageallows a zoom view,• 2 Image comparison is displayed: one with contrast-agent andotherwithout.Index of content by indication,GFR CalculatorProduct information – Gadovist 1.0.To use the App, you have to be register in Doc-Check.
Nounou Connect 1.4.0
Bayer AG
Nounou Connect est une nouvelle applicationqui connecte parents et nounou autour de bébé.Créé et testé avec des assistantes maternelles et des mamans,Nounou Connect facilite le suivi des nounous et du quotidien devotre enfant. Maman, papa et nounou partagent rapidement etfacilement toutes les informations indispensables au suivi de bébé!Nounou Connect est un nouvel outil de gestion et de communication100% gratuit, simple et pratique. Plus qu’un simple cahier deliaison, l’application permet :• De suivre la journée de bébé depuis son carnet de bord (sonalimentation : repas et biberon, change, sommeil, soins, arrivée etdépart de l’enfant, activité d’éveil),• De renseigner et mettre à jour la fiche santé de bébé (poids,allergies, antécédents médicaux, soins particuliers…) pourfaciliter le travail de la nounou• De mieux s’organiser grâce au mémo et au calendrier partagé(fournitures à apporter par les parents à la demande de la nounou :couches, sérum physiologique, tétine…),• De simplifier la gestion pour la nourrice (calcul automatique desfrais d’entretien, des indemnités de repas et goûters…),• Pour la nounou, c’est aussi la simplicité d’avoir tous lescarnets de bord des enfants dont elle a la garde, centralisés surun même support, et d’en faciliter la saisie.• Pour la nounou, c’est également l’avantage d’avoir accès aucarnet de bord que les parents auront saisi le soir ou le matin etde savoir l’heure du dernier biberon, etc…• D’avoir sous la main une liste de personne à contacter en cas debesoin (parents, grands-parents, pédiatre…).Nounou Connect est une application professionnelle : le nouveaucahier de liaison qui connecte assistantes maternelles et parentsautour de la vie quotidienne de bébé !Un cahier de suivi de bébé 2.0 complet : ne manquez plus aucuneétape des journées de votre enfant, tout en facilitant le travaildes nourrices, en mettant à leur disposition la totalité desinformations nécessaires au bon déroulement de leur journée avecles enfants. Tout au long de la journée, la nounou détaille toutesles activités de bébé qu’elle soit chez elle ou à l’extérieur : lessiestes de votre enfant (temps de sommeil), son alimentation(biberon, repas), les soins apportés à bébé, etc. Les parentspourront ensuite les consulter dans le carnet de bord et lecalendrier de l’application.Nounou Connect répond aux besoins des assistantes maternelles etdes parents :1. En garantissant la sécurité des données,2. En assurant un usage très simple quel que soit l’âge,3. En permettant une saisie très rapide des données pour que lesnourrices se consacrent pleinement au bien-être de l’enfant,4. En étant au plus près du quotidien des nounous,5. En s’ajoutant à la communication orale, mais surtout, en ne laremplaçant pas !D’après une étude réalisée par Bepanthen en avril 2016, 78% desassistantes maternelles et des mamans se déclarent prêtes àtélécharger Nounou Connect.*Une question, un commentaire ou une remarque face à une difficultérencontrée ?N’hésitez pas à nous contacter en nous écrivant à*Etude réalisée auprès d’un groupe composé de 37 mamans et nounous- Novembre 2015 – Institut AZTLANL.FR.MKT.CC.07.2016.0673 »Nanny Connect is a newapplication that connects parents and nanny around baby.Created and tested with nannies and mothers, Nanny Connectfacilitates monitoring nannies and daily life of your child. Mom,dad and nanny quickly and easily share all information necessary tobaby monitoring!Nanny Connect is a new tool of management and communication 100%free, easy and convenient. More than a liaison notebook, theapplication allows:• Monitor the baby day since his logbook (diet: meals and bottle,change, sleep, care, arrival and departure of the child, wakingactivity)• To inform and update the baby's health record (weight, allergies,medical history, special care ...) to facilitate the work of thenanny• To better organized thanks to the shared calendar and memo(supplies to be made by the parents at the request of the nanny:layers, saline, nipple ...)• Simplify management for the nurse (automatic calculation of themaintenance costs, meals and snacks allowances ...)• For the nanny is also the simplicity of having all the synopsesof the children in its custody, centralized on the same support,and facilitate the entry.• For the nanny is also the advantage of having access to the logbook that parents will have seized the evening or in the morningand know the time of the last bottle, etc ...• Have on hand a list of people to contact in case of need(parents, grandparents, pediatrician ...).Connect nanny is a professional application: the new liaisonnotebook that connects carers and relatives around the daily lifebaby!A full 2.0 Baby logbook: do not miss anything of the days yourchild while facilitating the work of nurses in providing them withall the information needed to conduct their day with the kids.Throughout the day, the nanny Baby details all activities whetherat home or outside: naps your child (sleep time), nutrition(feeding bottle, meals), caring for baby, etc. Parents can thenview them in the logbook and the implementation schedule.Nanny Connect meets the needs of carers and parents:1. Ensuring data security,2. By providing a very easy to use regardless of age,3. By allowing a very quick data entry for nurses fully dedicatedto the welfare of the child,4. Being closer to the daily nannies,5. in addition to oral communication, but above all, by notreplacing!According to a study by Bepanthen in April 2016, 78% ofchildminders and mothers declare their readiness to download NannyConnect. *A question, comment or remark face a difficulty encountered?Do not hesitate to contact us by writing* Study conducted among a group of 37 mothers and nannies -November 2015 - Institute AZTLANL.FR.MKT.CC.07.2016.0673 "
Focus 1.0
Bayer AG
Event application for Bayer events wherealldata about event is made accessible for the attending HCPincludingagenda, speakers, program description, etc and alsofeedback formsand questions forms during the event , plus aknowledge bank thatincludes presentation of the speakers ( aftertaking speakersconsents to share and needed internalapprovals)
Bayer Vision Academy 1.0
Bayer AG
The Vision Academy Events 2016/2017appprovides Vision Academy members with up-to-date meetinginformationfor meetings that occur between September 2016 -September 2017.The app allows members to access informationincluding the meetingagenda and the location
Inova Smart
Bayer AG
Inova Smart to bezpłatna aplikacjamobilnafirmy Bayer CropScience. Jest użytecznym narzędziem wcodziennejpracy rolnika - pozwala w szybki sposób sprawdzićprognozę pogody,informacje o produktach, ich działaniu i stosowaniuoraz aktualnejdostępności w sprzedaży. Aplikacja umożliwia równieżustaleniepoziomu ryzyka wystąpienia odporności chwastów, a danepogodowewzbogacone są specjalistycznymi komentarzamirolniczo-sadowniczymidla Twojego regionu. Dzięki aplikacji możeszrównież w prostysposób skontaktować się z najbliższymprzedstawicielem regionalnymlub z osobą zarządzającą interesującymCię produktem BayerCropScience.Inova Smart to:PRODUKTY – zawsze aktualna baza środków ochrony roślin,DOSTĘPNOŚĆ – umożliwia ustalenie adresu najbliższego dystrybutora,uktórego szukany produkt jest dostępny,METEO – precyzyjne dane pogodowe aktualizowane co godzinę,RESI – kalkulator ryzyka wystąpienia odporności chwastównaherbicydy,SKANER QR – w zależności od informacji zawartej w kodzie,umożliwiaszybkie otwarcie strony internetowej lub informacjioprodukcie.
Glicocare 1.2
Bayer AG
Com GlicoCare da Bayer você podeacompanharsuas medidas de glicose, ter acesso a dicas de saúde,programarlembretes e atividades físicas e realizar anotações do seudia adia.With GlicoCare Bayeryoucan track your glucose measurements, have access to healthtips,schedule reminders and physical activities and make notes ofyourday to day.
Backed by Bayer 2.10.1
Bayer AG
Get the benefits of Bayer's best-in-class innovation and researchfor the golf course management and lawn and landscape industries.Access information about the solutions and preventative tips youneed to combat troublesome weeds, diseases and pests. The officialBacked by Bayer app helps you: • Get product information and labels• Calculate application rates • Locate sales representatives anddistributors • Browse technical research • View current promotions• See weather information based on your location Download the freeBacked by Bayer app today to get started.
Bayer FongiNews 3.1.4
Bayer AG
Bayer FongiNews, la première applicationdédiée à la protection fongicide des céréales :3 rubriques :1 - Actualités2 - Focus maladies et conseils agro3 - Bien raisonner sa protection1 - Actualités : Résultats d'essais, vidéos, témoignages,recommandations et en saison des infos terrain et alertesseptoriose2 - Les maladiesBlé : Septoriose, Rouille jaune, Rouille brune, Piétin, Oïdium,FusarioseOrge : Helminthosporiose, Rynchosporiose, Rouille naine, Oïdium,Grillure pollinique4 rubriques pour chaque maladie :L'essentiel en images > Présentation des caractéristiquesprincipales de la maladie et des images des symptômescaractéristiquesCycle > Description des phases principales du cycle de chaquemaladieImpact rendement > Information sur la nuisibilité de lamaladie(pertes en qx/ha ou en %)Nos solutions > Pour chaque maladie, présentation des facteursde risque et conseil agronomiques. Accédez à la présentation desoutils d’aide à la décision et à nos solutions produits et BayerService Infos.3 - Bien raisonner sa protectionPour chaque facteur clé, découvrez les conseils agronomiquesassociés :Travail du solChoix des variétésPrécocité des semisDensité de semisDésherbageFertilisationProtection fongicideGestion & RésistanceBayer FongiNews, thefirst application dedicated to cereal fungicide protection:Three headings:1 - News2 - Focus diseases and agricultural advice3 - Although the reason protection1 - News: Test results, videos, testimonials, recommendations andseason information field and alerts septoria2 - DiseasesWheat: Septoria, yellow rust, brown rust, Rot, mildew,FusariumBarley: Blight, Rynchosporiose, dwarf Rust, mildew, pollenScorch4 sections for each disease:Most pictures in> the key features of the disease and images ofcharacteristic symptomsCycle> Description of the main phases of each diseaseImpact performance> Information harmfulness of disease(Losses qx / ha or%)Our solutions> For each disease presentation of risk factors andagronomic advice. Access the presentation tools and decisionsupport solutions to our products and Bayer Service Info.3 - Although the reason protectionFor each key factor, discover related agronomic advice:TillageChoice of varietiesEarly seedlingSeedingWeedingFertilizationFungicide protectionManagement & Resistance
Carnet antiparasitaire 1.2
Bayer AG
Avec Carnet antiparasitaire de monanimal,n'oubliez plus les traitements antiparasitaire devotreanimal.Programmez vos rappels antiparasitaires externes (contre lespuces,tiques, moustiques...) et internes (vermifuges)Créer le profil de votre animalRecevez des conseils personnalisés selon le mode de vie devotreanimal.Mais aussi des conseils sur l'administration du traitement(pipette,comprimé...), retrouvez un glossaire des principauxparasites.English version but please publish in frecnh :With Carnet antiparasitaire de mon animal, do not forget anymoreantiparasitic treatments for your animal.Schedule your external antiparasitic reminders (againstfleas,ticks, mosquitoes) and dewormingCreate the profile of your animalReceive personalized advice according to the lifestyle ofyouranimal.But also advice on the administration of the treatment(spot-on,tablet) and find a glossary of the main parasites.With pest book my pet,donot forget the most pest treatments your pet.Set your reminders external parasiticides (against fleas,ticks,mosquitoes ...) and internal (wormers)Create your pet's profileGet personalized recommendations by the lifestyle of yourpet.But also advice on the administration of treatment (pipette,tablet...), find a glossary of key pests.English Version goal please publish in frecnh:With my book pest animal, do not forget Any Moreantiparasitictreatments for your pet.Schedule your reminders external antiparasitic (againstfleas,ticks, mosquitoes) and dewormingCreate the profile of your animalReceive personalized advice ACCORDING to the lifestyle ofyourpet.Goal aussi advice on the administration of the treatment(spot-on,tablet) and find a glossary of the main parasites.
Bayer Dicot'ID 1.4.5
Bayer AG
L'outil de reconnaissance des dicotylédones présentes dans voscultures
Bayer Para Você 1.3
Bayer AG
Por meio desse aplicativo, você terá acessoaosbenefícios do programa Bayer para Você.Serviços:- Cadastro: mais comodidade e facilidade- Busca de farmácias: localize rapidamente uma próxima a você- Histórico de transações – acompanhe suas compras- Lembrete de tomada – nunca mais se esqueça de tomaromedicamentoL.BR.GM.2013-01-24.1157Through thisapplication,you will have access to program benefits Bayer to YouServices:- Registration: more convenience and ease- Search pharmacy: quickly locate one near you- Transaction History - keep track of your purchases- Reminder-making - never forget to take your medicineL.BR.GM.2013-01-24.1157
Bayer Code 1.5
Bayer AG
O Bayer Code é uma iniciativa inovadora no mercado agrodesenvolvida pela Crop Science que oferece a identificação dosprodutos da linha Crop Protection que contêm o código deRastreabilidade, o Datamatrix. O usuário tem a possibilidade deobter informações como lote, data de validade e códigoidentificador único da embalagem, que garantem sua autenticidade.Com o Bayer Code, a Bayer oferece ao produtor rural mais umaferramenta para a proteção contra produtos falsificados econtrabando.
Weed ID 2.1.1
Bayer AG
Looking for an app to help you identify weeds? Look no further! TheWeed ID app is a trusted tool specific to Canada, that will helpyou to IDENTIFY and MAP weeds and weed trends on your farm yearover year. IDENTIFY: The Weed ID app lets you ID weeds based on keycharacteristic selections you have identified. It also allows youto search for weeds, view the weed database, and provide detaileddescriptions and photos of the weeds. MAP IT: The Map It section ofthe app uses a WiFi connection and your GPS coordinates to map andtrack the weed pressures you have identified year-over year. •Identify Weeds • Map Weed Pressures • Download the most CurrentWeed Database • Contact Monsanto Agronomist’s and CustomCare®technical support in your region • 68 Weeds in database – Morecoming soon! Monsanto Canada is dedicated to providing soundagronomic recommendations, education and information to helpsupport good weed management practices and solutions. Understandingthe weed pressures you face is a great first step towardsoptimizing your weed control and for implementing a successful weedmanagement strategy on your farm. Enjoy the app – we look forwardto hearing from you! About Weed ID App At Monsanto Canada, wecontinue to focus on providing farmers with the top plant sciencetechnologies. We believe the best way to help support farmers’success is by continuing to invest in research and development(R&D) that leads to the commercialization of new, beneficialproducts. We are committed to providing farmers with new tools thatwill deliver improved control of weeds, diseases, and insects;offer higher yield potential; and also help address otherproduction-related challenges, including herbicide resistant weeds.This Weed ID app is just one of the many tools that Monsanto hascreated to help deliver that support. Monsanto is dedicated toproviding sound agronomic recommendations, education andinformation to help support good weed management practices andsolutions on your farm. This app is a quick tool to help identifyand track weeds and weed trends on your farm year-over-year.Understanding the weed pressures you face is a great first steptowards optimizing your weed control and for implementing asuccessful weed management strategy on your farm. Headquartered inWinnipeg, Manitoba, Monsanto Canada Inc. is part of the largerglobal Monsanto family. Monsanto Company is an agricultural companyand a leading global provider of technology-based solutions andagricultural products that improve farm productivity and foodquality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder andlarge-scale farmers to produce more from their land whileconserving more of our world’s natural resources such as water andenergy. Learn more about our business and our commitments
Diário da acne 2.0
Bayer AG
Diário da Acne: Um aplicativo simples paraquevocê possa acompanhar a evolução da sua acne.Com ele você pode:- Tirar fotos do seu rosto;- Marcar os pontos de acne;- Acompanhar o "antes" e "depois" da sua pele.1. Foto FrontalRegistre semanalmente a situação da sua pele. Posicione o seurostona marcação e tire uma foto.2. Marcação da acneMarque as regiões com evidência de acne (espinhas) tocandonatela.3. Foto LateralRepita o procedimento nas laterais do rosto.4. Comparação das fotosAcompanhe o "antes" e o "depois" da sua pele.O Diário da Acne é totalmente gratuito. Aproveite e baixeagoramesmo!L.BR.MKT.08.2015.383584857041 - Agosto/2015Daily Acne: Asimpleapplication so you can follow the progress of your acne.With it you can:- Take pictures of your face;- Mark the acne points;- Track "before" and "after" of your skin.1. Front PhotoRegister week the state of your skin. Position your face inthemarking and take a picture.2. Acne MarkingMark the areas with evidence of acne (pimples) by touchingthescreen.3. Side PhotoRepeat the procedure on the face side.4. Comparison of photosFollow the "before" and "after" of your skin.The Daily Acne is completely free. Enjoy and download now!L.BR.MKT.08.2015.383584857041 - August / 2015
Vitiplan Italia 1.2
Bayer AG
Vitiplan Italia è l’app dedicata alsettorevitivinicolo professionale e permette la gestione deitrattamentifitosanitari e delle osservazioni nel vigneto.L’agricoltore, il tecnico o l’agronomo possono infatti prenderenotadi quanto avviene nel vigneto, registrando itrattamentifitosanitari effettuati e l’eventuale presenza dimalattie nonchélo stadio fenologico del vigneto.L’applicazione contiene tutti i prodotti Bayer CropScience perladifesa della vite da vino ed imposta in automatico dellenotifichesulla base della durata d’azione dei prodotti.L’app è altamente personalizzabile nel numero divigneti,appezzamenti e prodotti gestiti ed è inoltre possibilegenerare perogni vigneto dei report da inviare tramite email.Quest’ultimafunzione sicuramente utile per condividere leinformazioni o perregistrare i dati nel quaderno di campagna.Vitiplan Italy is theappdedicated to the wine industry professional and enablesmanagementof pesticide treatments and observations in thevineyard.The farmer, the technician or agronomist may indeed take noteofwhat happens in the vineyard, recording the pesticidetreatmentscarried out and the presence of disease and thephenological stageof the vineyard.The application contains all products Bayer CropScience forthedefense of grapevine and set automatic notifications based ontheduration of action of the products.The app is highly customizable in the number of vineyards, plotsandmanaged products, and you can generate for each vineyard ofthereport to be sent via email. This latter function certainlyusefulto share information or to record data in the orchard.
Universo Medico 2.9.3
Bayer AG
A Bayer HealthCare coloca à disposiçãodacomunidade médica o app Universo Médico. Com ele você terá napalmada mão uma série de serviços úteis para o desenvolvimento doseutrabalho no dia a dia.Destaques do aplicativo- Busca de CID 10 offline- Notícias- Conteúdo CientíficoO Universo Médico é totalmente gratuito. Aproveite e baixeBayer HealthCareavailableto the medical community the universe Medical app. Withit you willhave in your palm a number of useful services for thedevelopment oftheir work on a daily basis.Application Highlights - ICD 10 offline Search- News- Scientific Content The Medical Universe is completely free. Enjoy and download
myBETAapp™ 01.31.00
Bayer AG
Bayer’s myBETAapp™ can help support your treatment experience.myBETAapp™ is designed to assist you with managing your injections.It allows you to record your injection information manually or byconnecting with the BETACONNECT™ autoinjector. The app can only beused by patients who are at least 18 years old and have beenprescribed Bayer’s treatment for relapsing-remitting multiplesclerosis. Please use these URLs to access the Important SafetyInformation, Full Prescribing Information, BETACONNECT™Instructions For Use (IFU), and myBETAapp™ Instructions For Use(IFU). • Important Safety Information: •Prescribing Information: • BETACONNECT™ • myBETAapp™ IFU: www.myBETAappIFU.commyBETAapp™ includes the following features and functions: 1.Displays scheduled injections according to the injection routine(i.e. one injection every other day). 2. Displays recommendedinjection sites on the body, based on the recommended injectionsite rotation (injection sites are based on the standard rotationscheme). 3. Displays a monthly calendar of scheduled and recordedinjections. 4. Connects with the BETACONNECT™ autoinjector viaBluetooth® technology to transfer injection data recorded with theBETACONNECT™ autoinjector. 5. Sends reminders to you*. 6. Recordsindicators of health and wellness and summarizes the information ina chart. (This feature is not available in all countries.) 7.Allows you to share your information†, including details of yourinjections, with your BETA Nurse or healthcare team if you opt todo so. (This feature is not available in all countries.) 8.Receives messages from your BETA Nurse. (This feature is notavailable in all countries.) *The reminder is not synchronized withthe reminder used in the BETACONNECT™ autoinjector. You may getreminders from both your BETACONNECT™ autoinjector and frommyBETAapp™ at different times. Make sure that you only take yourmedication as prescribed by your physician. †Healthcareprofessionals must have the BETACONNECT™ Navigator software andconfigure it properly, and a patient must have sharing enabled inmyBETAapp for HCPs to obtain this information. Bayer values yourcomments, questions and concerns posted on the App Store. Asresponding within the App Store is limited, please contact usdirectly at 1-844-351-5696. Please note that we will not provideany information about products. In case of questions regarding ourproducts, please contact your physician or pharmacist. If you areexperiencing a medical emergency, contact your healthcareprofessional immediately. myBETAapp™ is not intended to offer orreplace professional medical advice. If you have any questionsregarding your RRMS treatment please contact your physician. BAYER,the Bayer Cross, BETAPLUS and BETASERON are registered trademarksof Bayer. myBETAapp and BETACONNECT are trademarks of Bayer.PP-721-US-1253
Mi cultivo con Bayer 2.0.1
Bayer AG
In the app My cultivation with Bayer you will find information onBayer solutions.
Bayer VM 1.5.1
Bayer AG
Download this unique and interactive app to be your “portablepartner” in the field. Vegetation management professionals now haveaccess to essential everyday tools in the palm of their hands. Theofficial Bayer VM app will make daily tasks easier for vegetationmanagement professionals across the country. The official Bayer VMapp includes: • Expert advice • Calibration calculators • Productinformation for all portfolios • Weather information and alerts •Weed identification library • Contact information for Bayerrepresentatives and distributors Download the free Bayer VM apptoday so Bayer can be right there with you, wherever your work maybe.
Vitiplan Peru 1.2
Bayer AG
Vitiplan Peru es una aplicaçión parai-Phone,i-Pad y Android, creada por Bayer , que permite losproductores deuva de mesa peruanos dirigir los tratamientosfitosanitarios uobservaciones de sus parrones. En resumen, es unaaplicación quepermite al usuario emplear las funciones programadassin necesidadde ingresar a la página web.En base a la información introducida por el vitivultor ousuario,Vitiplan permite una caracterización de su plantación encuanto asus propiedades propriedades, o sus parcelas , constiyenuna base detrabajo de Vitiplan – A sua Vinha na Palma daMão!Vitiplan permitirá un registro tanto de las observaciones comodelos tratamientos realizados.Teniendo como base esa información generará avisos de"sintratamiento” y varios informes como : Protección de parcela,laprotección para el problema; Sintomatología porbloque;Sintomatología por la enfermedad; Relación de notas hechas;Listade crecimiento registrada en escena que ayudaría a enviarinformespor correo electrónicoVitiplan tiene información completa sobre los principalesproblemasdel viñedo, lo que ayudará a identificar y comprenderlasenfermedades y plagas de la viña..Tambien podrá encontarar información sobre lassolucionesfitosanitarias de Bayer CropScience..MI VIÑAPropiedades y ParcelasEn esta sección se puede personalizar el Vitiplan a surealidad.Fácilmente puede crear su propiedad (Fundo / Empresa /...),asociar una foto y, dentro de ella, las diferentes parcelas,consus siembras y áreas.Desde allí se puede entrar en sus observaciones y tratamientosypueden gestionar realmente su viña.Protección del CampoCon este informe se puede ver todos los tratamientosfitosanitariosrealizados durante la campaña, asociados a losdiferentes problemasdel viñedo, verificar sii la viña estáprotegida o no, cuando dejóde estar protegida o cuando ya dejará deestarlo.Protección por ProblemaEste informe le permite centrar su atención en un solo problemaparatodas las parcelas de los viñedos. Imagínese que en algúnmomentolas condiciones son favorables sólo paraa la ocurrencia demildiú.Al filtrar el informe para mildiu tendrá la "imagen" enexclusiva aeste problema y centrara su atención en establecer lamejorestrategia para este problema específico.Sintomatología del CampoComo resultado de las observaciones realizadas en elviñedo,Vitiplan produce un informe para cada bloque que da unaimagen delestado fitosanitario observando problema por problema,permitiendoobservar su evolución en el tiempo.Sintomatologia por ProblemaDe la misma forma el informe “Sintomatología por problema"permitirátener la imagen de la evolución del estado fenológico dela mayorparte de los tratamientos, para un problema dado. Porejemplo, parael Oidium.A cada observación de la viña siempre puede existir la necesidaddehacer una anotación. Un alambre roto ... la programación deunaoperación mecánica .... Además de la anotación, también sepuedeasociar a una fotoEstados FenolológicosCada observación siempre da como resultado el registro delestadofenológico. Vitiplan también produce un informe de las etapasdecrecimiento registradosVitiplan Peru isanapplication for i-Phone, i-Pad and Android, created by Bayer,whichallows producers Peruvian table grape phytosanitary treatmentsordirect observations of their grape arbors. In short, it isanapplication that allows the user to use the functionsprogrammedwithout entering the website.Based on the information entered by the user orvitivultor,Vitiplan allows a characterization of his plantationproperties intheir property, or their plots, constiyen baseVitiplan work - Asua da Vinha na Palma Mão!Vitiplan registration will allow both observations andtreatmentsperformed.On the basis of that information generated notices "untreated"andvarious reports such as: land protection, protection fortheproblem; Symptomatology per block; Symptoms of thedisease;Relation of notes made; List of growth recorded in scenehelp sendreports by emailVitiplan has full information on the main problems of thevineyard,which will help to identify and understand the diseasesand pestsof the vineyard ..You can also encontarar information on phytosanitary solutionsBayerCropScience .. VineyardProperties and PlotsIn this section you can customize the Vitiplan to their reality.Youcan easily create your property (Fundo / Company / ...), attachaphoto and, within it, the different parcels, with their cropsandareas.From there you can enter their observations and treatments andcanreally manage the vineyard.Protection FieldWith this report you can see all the pesticide treatmentscarriedout during the campaign, the various problems associatedwith thevineyard, sii verify the vineyard is protected or not, whenitceased to be protected or when it will cease to be.Problem protectionThis report allows you to focus on a single problem for all plotsofthe vineyards. Imagine that at some point the conditions arejustparaa the occurrence of mildew. By filtering the mildew willreportto the "image" exclusively to this problem and will focusonestablishing the best strategy for this specific problem.Field SymptomsAs a result of the observations made in the vineyard,Vitiplanproduces a report for each block that gives a picture ofthe planthealth problem watching problem, allowing to observe itsevolutionover time.Symptomatology for ProblemLikewise the report "Symptoms by problem" will have the image oftheevolution of the growth stage of the majority of treatments foragiven problem. For example, for the Oidium.Each observation of the vineyard you can always be a need to makeanentry. A broken wire ... scheduling a mechanical operation ....Inaddition to the score, also you can be associated with aphoto United FenolológicosEach observation always results phenological stateregistration.Vitiplan also produces a report registered growthstages
Focus Ravageurs 2.2.1
Bayer AG
Bayer Focus Ravageurs est une applicationmobile (utilisable sur Smartphones et tablettes) à destination despiégeurs d’insectes ravageurs du colza (charançons du bourgeonterminal ; grosses altises ; pucerons). Cette application mobilepermet aux utilisateurs de saisir le nombre de captures en pleinchamp, même lorsque la connexion Internet est impossible. Enfonction du nombre de ravageurs enregistrés et du stadephysiologique de la culture, l’application Bayer Focus Ravageursréalise instantanément l’analyse du risque parcellaire.Bayer Pests Focus is amobile application (usable on smartphones and tablets) to the rapeof pests scavengers (terminal bud weevils, beetles big; aphids).This mobile application allows users to enter the number of catchesin the open field, even when the Internet connection is impossible.Depending on the number of recorded pests and physiological stateof the culture, Bayer Focus Pests Application instantaneouslyperforms the analysis of fragmented risk.
Bayer ProtecMaïs 2.3.0
Bayer AG
Bayer ProtecMaïs est un outil d'accompagnementpour la protection du maïs contre le taupin.Cet outil est composé de 3 modules pour répondre aux problématiquesdes maïsiculteurs :- Raisonner la protection d’une parcelle- Améliorer les performances agronomiques- Adopter les bonnes pratiquesBayer ProtecMaïs is acompanion tool for the protection against corn wireworm.This tool consists of three modules to meet the challenges of corngrowers:- Think the protection of a plot- To improve the agronomic performance- Adopt best practices
Bayer Langues 5.16.1
Bayer AG
Learn English anywhere, anytime, with Bayer Langues app and gainaccess to to over 3000 up-to-date activities. Focus on learning -Listen, watch, and learn with articles and videos containing thelatest news - Filter our content by topic of interest or based onyour level to match your needs - Improve your English grammar andvocabulary tips from our "Learn" section Work on your own Bayerresources in the app ! - Access to all the exclusive contentscreated for you using Bayer communciations Keep us posted - Contactour Learning Consultant team for any questions you have; we arehappy to help you in your native language!
Bayer Oncology Trial Finder 1.0
Bayer AG
Find and connect with open, enrolling cancer clinical trials
Bayer Agro Solution 3.2.16
Bayer AG
Bayer AgroSolution este o aplicatie digitala complexa destinatafermierilor, conceputa pentru a oferi cele mai bune solutii Bayerpentru principalele provocari cu care se confrunta fermierii.Aplicatia Bayer AgroSolution furnizeaza suport tehnic, descriptivsi vizual (fotografii), pentru identificarea buruienilor, bolilorsi daunatorilor cheie ai principalelor culturi din Romania;facilitand alegerea celor mai potrivite solutii si servicii Bayer.Recomandarea produselor de protectia plantelor Bayer sau alegereacelui mai potrivit hibrid de rapita, determinarea corecta adilutiilor de pesticide sau a normei de semanat pentru hibriziiBayer de rapita, prezentarea serviciilor recent lansate pentruutilizatorii fideli, sunt doar cateva dintre facilitatile pe careaplicatia le ofera in vasta paleta a solutiilor si serviciilorintegrate Bayer.
HemoFit 1.0
Bayer AG
HemoFit® est une application qui vousestproposée gratuitement. Elle met à la disposition despatientshémophiles des conseils pour prévenir l’évolution verslesarthropathies dans les différentes articulations à partir devotreterminal mobile. Elle vous donne également des informationsainsique des conseils sur les possibilités d’auto rééducationdevant unhématome pour éviter les complications.HemoFit® is aprogramwhich is available free. It provides advice hemophiliapatients toprevent the development of arthropathy in differentjoints fromyour handheld. It also provides information and adviceon thepossibilities of self rehabilitation before a hematoma toavoidcomplications.
Better Life Challenge 1.1
Bayer AG
Test your knowledge against players fromaround the world. In the Better Life Challenge, you can playagainst friends, colleagues and others to develop your knowledge ofagriculture, pharmaceuticals and health care.*Our highlights*• Eight categories with a total of more than 400 questions• Choose a name and create your own avatar• Use social media or email to invite friends to play againstyou• Challenge our virtual players Hal and SuperPlayer to startplaying right away• Simultaneously play up to ten games• Help us to keep improving the app by sending new questions orgiving feedback on existing questions.• Receive your personal quiz statistics and an overall ranking ofall players
Bayer GFC
Bayer AG
Welcome to Global Field Compliance (GFC)toolof Bayer - Crop Science division.
ACNE Diary 3.0
Bayer AG
Acne Diary: A simple way to track youracnetreatment evolution.Here you can:Take “selfies”Point the acne areas.Track the evolution of your skin, before and after.Frontal Picture.Weekly skin evolution track. Place your face in the highlightedareaand take a picture.Acne marking.Mark the evidenced acne areas in your skin, simply touchingthescreen.Side PictureRepeat the procedure in your face sides.Pictures comparisonTrack the “before” and the “after” of your skin.Acne Diary is free. Get it now!
Bayer Supplier Day 2017 1.0
Bayer AG
Event App for Bayer Supplier Day 2017
Digital Farming Alertas 1.0
Bayer AG
O aplicativo disponibiliza gratuitamenteaprevisão do tempo para sua cidade, além de gerarAlertasantecipando a possível ocorrência de Doenças e Pragasnasprincipais culturas do país: Soja, Milho, Algodão, Cana deAçúcar eCafé. Esteja um passo á frente dos inimigos de sualavoura!The free app providestheweather forecast for your city, and generate alertsanticipatingthe possible occurrence of diseases and pests in majorcrops of thecountry:. Soybean, Corn, Cotton, Sugar Cane and CoffeeBe one stepahead of the enemies of your crop!
Qi.on 1.16.0
Bayer AG
Software de gestão desenvolvido pela Monsanto para auxiliaroDistribuidor no processo de gestão do negócio, gestão do clienteeda sua equipe. Para o agricultor, o Qi.on auxilia naadministraçãoda produtividade, por meio do Projeto Agrícola – ummódulo queconcentra todas as informações da propriedade,registradas peloconsultor durante toda a safra. Conheça os módulosdo Qi.on: Módulode Analytics (BI) - Melhore a sua tomada de decisãopor meio deDashboards com gráficos individuais de barra, múltiplasbarras,pizza e linha; Módulo de Planejamento - Permite que a equipedegestão do distribuidor elabore uma previsão de venda paramelhorara assertividade no planejamento e acompanhamento daevolução doestoque e vendas; Módulo de Projeto Agrícola - Registretodas asações feitas pelos profissionais nas áreas agrícolas dosseusclientes; Faça o mapeamento georeferencial das fazendas;Visualizeo que está acontecendo na produção da lavoura com asinformaçõescentralizadas e disponíveis para consulta a qualquermomento elugar; Rastreie estimativas de produção e quebras durantea safrade forma simples.